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If there's one thing we LOVE, it's a curious mind! Another thing we love is questions. Like a furious round of Jeopardy, we ask and answer lots and lots and lots of them. Here's a few we run into all the time. Can't find your answer here? No worries. Contact us and we'll get back with you right away.

  • Is your service secure?
    Everything on our side is secure. We use your information only to process your request and then it's deleted. Depending on the product or service you purchase, there's a good chance no human member of our team will ever see or interact with your idea. For services involving humans, all our idea experts are under strict non-disclosure agreements. These policies basically say we promise not to say anything to anyone about anything we see. We've applied the same level of confidentiality to our team members as have been required of us in our work with our toughest corporate clients. We know how important trust is in this business and have no intention of violating it. That said, there are certain activities that count as a disclosure from a legal perspective. These actions could impact your ability to get a patent. It's always best to confirm all details with a qualified patent attorney.
  • Can you tell me how much money my idea is worth?
    The reality is your idea is worth only what someone is willing to pay for it. In most cases, that's ZERO. An idea by itself it's worth much. Some guys even wrote a book about this called Ideas Are Free. Businesses don't typically buy ideas. Banks and investors don't typically invest in ideas. They buy and invest in businesses. If you want to make money off your idea, you're going to have to put in the hard work it takes to move your idea from words on paper to something real. We're here to help you decide if you're idea's worth all the time, effort, energy, and money it will take to bring it to life. Note: we do have several testing options designed to help you know how much money your idea is likely to make should you move it forward. We basically have our computers simulate the launch of your new idea several thousand times. We then tell you the most likely outcomes. The results of this will tell you how much money you're most likely to make based on different levels of support and distribution.
  • Why should I work with you?
    Unlike many other companies out there working with inventors and idea creators, we're here for one reason – to help you discover the truth about the strentgh of your idea so you can make the best possible decisions. Many other companies want to partner with you to bring your idea to market. They take a percentage of your sales or part of your company in exchange for their time and service. They also require you to pay for much of the up-front work like patent filing, design work, prototype development and so on. This process takes a lot of time and requeers a lot of resources. $10,000 or more in many cases. And, no matter the success of your idea, they are making money. We want to work with you BEFORE you go down this path so you know your time and money will be well spent.
  • Do you offer any free resources?
    We're constantly working to add products, service, and resoures (many free) to help our clients develop the biggest, boldest, and best ideas possible. Many of these are available on our products page. Some have a small cost. All of them are vetted by us to insure they align with what works. If you know of resources that might be helpful, please share them with us. We will review them, and, if we agree, add them as a resource.
  • How do you know what makes an idea successful?
    No one can predict with absolute certaintity that any single idea will be successful. There are great ideas that fail and meh ideas that win. It's important to remember the strenght of an idea alone isn't enough to guarantee success. Development, execution, and proper support all play a major role in how something performs in the marketplace. This is why our approach is designed to tilt the odds of success in your favor. Several of our experts have led or participated in one of the largest studies ever undertaken to discover the difference between ideas that launch and last versus those that die quickly or launch and fail. These are the pieces we're looking for. Does your idea have all, some, or none of what it takes to be successful? Our testing tools and experts can help you know for sure.
  • Where should I begin?
    It's usually best to begin with a DNA [Digital New(idea) Assessment] test. This computer-based test breaks your idea down into pieces to see how it stacks up against some of the most successful new products and services ever created. If your idea has many of these pieces, you will receive a report letting you know you have a high probabilty of success. If your idea is missing many of these pieces, you will receive a report letting you know you have a low probability of success. Once you know how your idea stacks up, you can make an informed decion about what to do next. As always, if you have a question or you're feeling stuck, we're here to help.
  • What is Idea Igniters?
    Maybe the better question is 'who is idea igniters?' We're a team of idea lovers who have been working to create, develop, and launch new products and services for decades. A lot of our time has been spent working with mega corporations. We've helped them invent and launch new brands, add meaningful products and services to their existing offerings, attract new customers, move into new categories, think through mergers and acquistions, and position themselves to take over the market leader. More recently, we've been working with large and mid-market corporations to help them gain competitive advantages in their marketplaces. By allowing these leaders the same access to our experts and tools, they are experiencing the same growth and success our mega clients have enjoyed. Now we're on a mission to help everyone with an idea act with more knowledge and confidence.
  • How can I work with you?
    We have a wide collection of products and services designed to help both individuals and corporations (small, large, or mega). Our entry level services are designed to help you discover the potential of your idea quickly and cost effectively. Our more advanced and customized services are designed to help you create and develop bigger, bolder ideas AND act on those with confidence. Not sure where to begin? Give us a shout. We're happy to lend a hand.
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