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Better Brainstorming - Full Day

The easiest way to create bigger, better, BOLDER ideas with TWICE the odds of success

55 min
2,500 US dollars
via phone or video chat

Service Description

Our Better Brainstorming(TM) package gives you 80% of the value an outside facilitator brings for less than 10% of the cost. There are three things you can do to improve your chances of creating winning ideas during traditional brainstorming sessions. Add stimulus, reduce fear, and add diverse thinkers. Two of these are easily done within the walls of your company. The third, adding stimulus, takes time and can be a lot more challenging. Until now... Our Better Brainstorming package delivers custom stimulus for you to use with your team during your internal brainstorming sessions. It's the fastest, easiest, most cost effective way to create bigger, better, bolder ideas! Here's How It Works: - A one-hour kick off session by phone/video chat to understand the objective of your session, the type of participants you'll be working with, any mandatory materials that must be used or worked in (example - if you're working to find ways to commercialize an existing piece of R&D), and how much time you have. - Custom Stimulus Creation - our team will work to create your customized stimulus. Three strategic thinking exercises for a half-day session, six for a full-day session. - A one-hour stimulus review session by phone/video chat with your team leaders and your facilitator/leader running. We will go through each strategic thinking exercise in detail and provide examples for you use and reference. - Stand By Support - one of our idea experts will be at the ready during your session should you need to phone a friend with questions or to work through challenges that might pop up during your session. - Follow Up - We'd love to connect with you after your session to hear how things went. IMPORTANT NOTE: the total time spent creating custom stimulus for you is 10-12 hours. The 1 hour noted here represents the initial kick off session only. When you purchase this service you will be required to schedule your kick off session. Please be prepared to select a date/time that's best. Changes can be made up to 24 hours in advance without penalty. Separate instructions will be provided for scheduling the rest of your project sessions.

Contact Details

Cincinnati, OH, USA

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